Virtual Assistant
My virtual assistant website allows for easy interaction with OpenAI's GPT 4 by providing speech to text input and text to speech output in 14 languages via Google. There are also lots of customizable options such as assistant name, assistant personality, whether the assistant should use sir, ma'am, or neither when addressing you, and adjustable colors for the webpage. The assistant has weather forecast capablities, both locally and of a specified location (USA only for now). Other functionality includes article summaries given an article link and opening spotify with a requested song. Lastly, this website has a sign-in option with Google that will save a users previous conversations and settings.
Main Takeaways
  • Flask basics
  • Google authentication for sign-in
  • Google App Engine deployment
  • Google Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text
  • Firebase for users' previous conversations and settings
  • The importance of virutal environments
  • Sending and receiving JSON
  • GPT-4 function calling, this allows for functionality such as reporting weather forecast and more